(1992-1996) (1996-2000)

We present our respects and gratitudes for your talented behoofs to Cukurova University.

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Can Özşahinoğlu was born in Tarsus on March 4, 1939. After completing his secondary school education and high-school education in Tarsus American College, he went to İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine in 1958 and finished this faculty in 1964. He started specialization in otorhinolaryngology branch in the same year. He became a specialist in 1967 and started to work in the same clinic as an assistant. He went to England in 1970 and worked in London at The National Hospital Neuro-Otology clinic for almost 2 years. After returning to Turkey, he went to Faculty of Medicine that was formed newly in Adana. He become the chairman of otorhinolaryngology branch. He became a professor in 1977. Since 1972, he has worked as, member of Ç.U Administrative Board , Ç.U. Senator, assistant to deanof Ç.U. Faculty of Medicine, member of Faculty Board and Faculty Administrative Board, department chairman of Faculty Board Surgical Medical Sciences, founder and chairman of otorhinolaryngology branch, member of Ç.U. Faculty of Medicine Foundation Board of Trustees and Execution Committee, chairman of Student Education and Committee and chairman of Ç.U. Librarianship Institute. Prof. Dr. Can Özşahinoğlu was the rector of Cukurova University between 1992 and 2000. He is married with one child.